Information for Employees

Employee Reporting Expectations

The University is committed to protecting the safety of those reported to have experienced sexual misconduct (Complainants) and the campus community, and to making Complainants aware of their rights, options, and resources. Therefore, it is the University’s expectation that all employees, except those designated as confidential, report to the Title IX Coordinator when they become aware of sexual misconduct. Information about confidential resources can be found on the Resources page of this website.

Tips for Responding to a Disclosure of Sexual Misconduct

Response to a disclosure can have a significant impact on an individual who has experienced sexual misconduct. Tips for appropriate response include:

  • Ensure that the individual is safe. If anyone is in immediate danger, call BUPD as soon as possible.
  • Listen without judgment.
  • Allow the individual to share as much or as little as they wish.
  • Encourage the individual to seek resources and to consider making a report. Avoid directives such as “You must go to the hospital” or “You really need to report this to the police.”
  • Explain that you are expected to report to the University. Be clear that while you cannot offer absolute confidentiality, the information they have shared will be kept as private as possible, and only provided to those individuals at the University who have a legitimate need to know.

Submit a report as soon as possible after your conversation with the individual. You can submit a report online. If you have questions, please contact the Title IX Coordinator at 317-940-6509 or

Download a handout summarizing employee reporting expectations and tips for responding to a report of sexual misconduct.